Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Why You Aren't Reaching Your "Superficial" Goals ... And Random Bits


Today I wanted to talk about why people are not reaching their superficial goals.  The definition of superficial is existing or occurring at or on the outside.  I don't want you to think I am talking about a goal that does not have depth to it.  I am strictly talking about making their body look the way he or she wants.

I find more often than not, people will walk into the gym with a couple goals in mind.  For instance- to become stronger, have more energy and to like what they see in the mirror.  After a couple weeks or months those same people probably have gotten stronger and are feeling like they have more energy.  BUT they still don't like what they see on the outside.  Why?

1.  They are not eating correctly.  If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times... to look a certain way, you need to eat a certain way.  Many people have gone to the gym for years and are still struggling to look the way they want.  Now, don't get me wrong... their performance in the gym may be stellar and they are pleased with their performance, but they are still unhappy when they look in the mirror.  This has nothing to do with their trainer (other than they can guide you in the right direction with your nutrition) or with the workouts they are doing.  You can lead a horse to the water, but you can't make them drink.  Being consistent with healthy nutrition WILL get you superficial results.  Eat whole, clean food and watch portion sizes. You body will get incredible superficial results.
*Health issues that are holding people back from their goal takes me to an entirely different platform and discussion that I am not willing to go right this moment*

2.  If they are eating correctly, but are not pushing themselves in the gym, they won't see the results they crave.  If anyone leaves the gym without getting their heart rate up, getting out of breath, fighting through fatigued muscles or mentally challenging themselves, nothing will change.  You need to challenge yourself to create change.  Nothing easy comes without struggle.  The struggle I am talking about is pushing through 5 more reps when you want to give up.  Running an extra 3 minutes when you want to stop.  Not quitting when you are short of breath.  I am sure you get the point.  Your body needs to be challenged to show results.

3.  If they are eating correctly and pushing themselves in the gym, but still not seeing results, they need to mix things up.  They need to do different activities and workouts so their body never gets used to the same thing.  I know someone who runs.  He has been running for 5 years now and just said to me... "I have been running the same loop for years and still get out of breath, but I am not seeing results anymore like I used to."  My response was to run hills and sprints.  Also, do some squats and push ups for 2 months, go back to that same loop and see how much faster you will run it.  On top of that, your exterior WILL change.  After a while, the body will get used to the same workouts and will stop showing results.  Spice things up a little!

I hope this sheds some light if in fact you are struggling to see the results you have always wanted!

Random Bits- You guys, I found two products I am in love with!

I used my sister's mascara (I know you aren't supposed to do that sort of thing, but whatever) one day when I was at her house and I fell in love.  I had to run out and get it.  It made my eyelashes look 2 times longer and it never clumped or made my lashes feel weighed down! Seriously, the best- Maybelline Lash Stiletto.  

I have tried this drink a couple times years ago and did't fall madly in love with it like I am now.  My local Acme finally decided to jump on the La Croix train and I am so amped.  Sometimes you need something more than just water, ya know?  This mango flavor is amazing.  Try it out!

Have a great day guys!

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